(662) 280 11 29
León Guzmán #1  Col. Constitución



Consolidate as a regional construction company and be recognized for the quality of our work, generating job opportunities that enhance the professional and personal development of the people who collaborate with the company.


Being present in works that represent a social and economic impact, promoting the regional development of Northwest Mexico.

“Desarrollos Tiburcio, S.A. de C.V.” (DETIBSA) was created through an ecologic clean-up project for the service stations of Petróleos Mexicanos (PEMEX). Earning PEMEX's certification with the key (FG), has offered the service on various Storage and Distribution Terminals located in Sonora and Baja California (Hermosillo, Guaymas, Magdalena, Rosarito, Mexicali y Tecate).

On the other hand, it has signed various contracts for the installation of hot melt fire detection systems, supply and installation of floating inner membrane, extraction of contaminated sludges, preventive and corrective maintenance of storage tanks, as well as maintenance for different companies, such as: CFE, SIDUR, ISIE, H. Ayuntamiento de Hermosillo, Government of the State of Sonora, WALMART, among others.

This way, DETIBSA manages to be present in works that represent a social and economic impact, impulsing the regional development of the northwest of the country.


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